Saturday, August 29, 2009


Website is still very much a work in progress.

Working out some issues with Flash.

Final Days

I have been reworking Chapter 20 today. Tomorrow, I rework Chapter 21. Blackjack!

Aspects I need to review: Durer and 136. Physics and 137.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Lots of new ideas came to me while I was out running 8.5 miles yesterday.
I had to hurry home and jot them down before I forgot. I'm excited about
reworking the ending and finishing up the book without tying it up
with a pretty bow.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Turtle

Am reviewing Ch. 14 today. Also, making some
editorial footnotes in the book.

I feel as if I've been moving at a turtle's pace,
but then things take time.

I should stop wasting time on this blog
and finish the book! Here comes the hare!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20, 2009

Today, I am reviewing Chapter 13 of the novel, entitled The Chambers Club. From there on out, it's a race to finish through Chapter 21 before the madness of the school year starts (Sept. 9).

I am also working on editing the website, creating the cover, acquiring ISBNs, reviews, developing marketing, press kits, and all those other hoops.

This afternoon, I will take a short break and take my dog Ciao to the park in Huntington Beach.

Tonight, I plan to work out with my wife Brenda at the gym. We are training for the NY Marathon.

Rereading War and Peace.

Also tonight, I have some classes to teach for the University of Phoenix.

Why am I blogging? This is my first time:) I wonder if anyone will ever read this, or my book for that matter. It doesn't matter. I am a tree falling in the forest.